Dread Vibez
Studio Location
The Dread Vibez Studio is exclusively PER APPOINTMENT ONLY!
NO walk-ins and NO accompanying guests allowed without prior consent.
The location is tricky to find please read the full instruction to find appropriate parking etc.
The studio is located in a residential area, inside a dedicated part of my home. Make sure you arrive at the door no more than 5min prior to your appointment time. Please be respectful of my space and the surrounding neighborhood.
Please make it easy for yourself and use the Google Pin, it will take you to the main entrance. (Alt. 1 on map below).
The address will take you to the back area entrance (Alt. 2 on the map below)
4760 S WADSWORTH BLVD, Littleton
In the Miralago Condominium,
Building C, Unit 206
Visitor parking is marked VISITOR.
Yellow dots on these pictures.
Please do not park in any spots marked RESERVED, you will get towed.
Alternative 1: Turn Right Off of Standford - then left into Miralago main Entrance - park in any open spots marked VISITOR.
Alternative 2: Turn Left Off of Standford - then right into back entrance - and left again into the large visitor parking lot.
The Studio is Located opposite side of the street from where the Building M sign is.
Find the Studio
Building C, Unit 206
Building C comes after B, before D.
The Studio is on the main side of the building. Not the lake side.
The studio is one flight of stairs up, door on the right-hand side.
See the chakra flags on the wall?
If you are struggling to find it, please call me 720-702 1420 and I'll help guide you.